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Alexander Nderitu

Alexander Nderitu
regional managing editor

Alexander Nderitu is a Kenyan novelist, poet and playwright. His stage plays include The Stacy Walker Interview, Yuppies!, What's Wrong With This Picture? and Hannah and The Angel (which has been translated into Japanese and Arabic). In 2011, he co-founded the Artists for Contemporary Theatre (A.C.T.) stage and film production group. Nderitu has written several widely-read research papers on African literature and theatre.  A former official of PEN Kenya Centre, in 2017 he was named by Business Daily newspaper as one of Kenya's 'Top 40 Under 40 Men'. Website:

Kenya’s New Theatre Awards

The Kenya Theatre Awards seek to fill these two gaps by tracking and watching all performances in the country and providing data and statistics on the number of venues, performances staged, people watching performances in the country. This will be achieved by the Jury and technical team of the Awards who will work in partnership with theatre venues, producers and theatre companies.

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Veteran Thespian Launches Collection of Original Plays

“We have in essence what could be the most beautiful country in the world, we have great weather, we have friendlier people than I have met travelling elsewhere, and every seven years or so, somebody gives us an order and we sharpen our machetes and putting things alight! For those of us of a certain sensibility, this is stupid and what can we do about it? I knew I didn’t want to be the MP of my rural home area but I could write plays…”

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2021 Flying Start For Human Rights Art Festival

First of the block is ‘Human Freedom 2021- A Theater for Human Rights Campaign’. This initiative is spearheaded by newly-appointed 2021 IHRAF International Fellow, Alessandro Lenzi. It is organized through a global collaboration between Raizes Teatro (Palermo), International Human Rights Art Festival (NYC), Avant – Garde Lawyers (Paris), and Global Campus of Human Rights (Venice). Alessandro Lenzi is the Director of Raizes Teatro. The Last Era, a play written by Alessandro Ienzi will be one of the features of the campaign.

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February 2025


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