Jacek Głomb, Copyrights Jacek Głomb
Jacek Głomb, Polish director and Artistic Director of the Modjeska Theatre in Legnica, has just been named the “Theatre Person 2018.” The prestigious award is given annually by the Zygmunt Hübner Foundation to an eminent Polish theatre artist whose work follows Hübner’s idea; Hübner was one of the most significant twentieth-century Polish theatre-makers. In particular, the awardee work must embrace the idea of Theatre as an artistic and social mission, shaping the audiences in relation to their receptive strategies and their citizenship. He/she must be an eminent artist who continuously contributes to and develop Polish theatrical landscape. In previous years, the awardees were Anna Augustynowicz, Piotr Cieplak, Jan Englert, and Jerzy Trela. The ceremony happens on the 27th Of March, the World Theatre Day.
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This post was written by Kasia Lech.
The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.