Fanny Gautier, star of stage, television, and film, gives some insight into succeeding as a working actor in her home of Madrid, Spain.  She trained with William Layton in Madrid, studied at the Central School of Speech & Drama in London, and at the Cours Florent in Paris. After working in Paris, she returned to Madrid and performed in many well-known TV series such as Antivicio, Policías, Un Paso Adelante, 7 Lives, Al Filo De La Ley, La Pecera De Eva. In cinema you can see her in La Torre De Suso Of Tom Fernandez, Elsa And Fred Of Marcos Carnevale, My House Is Your House by Miguel Álvarez Cortos, A Or B Of Leticia Dolera, My Other Half Of Beatriz Sanchís. and I Will Find You by Sergio Mercadé. On stage she has been seen in Three Seconds Of Jesus Ortega, and Smartphones. Most recently, Ms. Gautier was seen as part of the cast of the extremely popular series, Ministry Of Time. Ms. Gautier is represented by A LeightHouse.


What is special about being an actress in Madrid? Why do you continue to work in Madrid instead of other theatre or film cities?

Sigo en Madrid fundamentalmente porque tengo familia e hijos y no es tan sencillo salir fuera a buscar trabajo. No creo que Madrid sea una de las mejores ciudades para trabajar de actriz en estos momentos. Hay países donde la industria del cine y el teatro es mucho mas fuerte y hay más oportunidades de trabajo. Pero es verdad que hay cada vez más jefes de castings que hacen pruebas en Europa y esa es una forma de intentarlo aunque sea “de lejos”.

I continue to work in Madrid mainly because I have family and children here, and it is not so easy to get out and look for work. I actually do not think Madrid is one of the best cities to work as an actress right now. There are countries where the film and theatre industry is much stronger where there are more job opportunities. But it is true that there are more and more casting agents who are auditioning in Europe, and that is a way to try even if it is “from a distance.”

When did you first know that you were an actress?

Cuando empecé a trabajar como actriz, supe que era actriz. Llevaba muchos años queriendo trabajar de actriz pero me ganaba la vida con otros trabajos. Realmente me sentí actriz al poder vivir de ello. Puede parecer materialista y poco soñador pero realmente es como yo lo percibo.

When I started working as an actress, I knew that I was an actress. I had wanted to work as an actress for many years, but I earned my living from other jobs. I really felt like an actress when I could earn a living doing it. It may seem materialistic and a little dreamy, but it really is how I feel.

Where did you do your training and who influenced your acting career? Any specific teachers, or mentors?

He tenido dos profesores que me han marcado mucho. Begoña Valle del Laboratorio de William Layton en Madrid y Christian Croset en Le Cours Florent en Paris. Todo lo que he aprendido de actuación se lo debo a ellos son las personas que me hicieron ver clara esta profesión. Se puede tener vocación y talento pero  hay que saber trabajarlo y sacarle partido.

I have had two teachers who have made a big impression on me. Begoña Valley of the Laboratory of William Layton in Madrid, and Christian Croset in Le Cours Florent in Paris. All I have learned from acting I owe to them. They are the people who made me see this profession clearly. You can have a career and talent, but you also have to know how to get work and take advantage of opportunities.

What is a favorite project you have done?

Es una pregunta difícil… verdad que hay proyectos con más encanto que otros pero no depende de las audiencias en tv o la taquilla que haga la película. Lo interesante es cuando te encuentras con un grupo de personas que quieren poner todo de su parte para que las cosas funcionen y hay un entusiasmo general que hace que trabajar sea una delicia!

It’s a difficult question … it’s true that there are projects with more charm than others, but for me, it does not depend on the number of television viewers or the box office success of the film. The most interesting aspect for me is when you meet a group of people who want to do everything they can to make everything work, and there is an excitement about the project that makes working a delight!

How would you describe the current challenges of being an actor?

Ahora mismo creo que es de las profesiones más difíciles que hay para sobrevivir en España. Siempre fue una carrera de fondo donde pasas por rachas buenas, muy buenas, regulares y hacen parte de la profesión pero la crisis golpeó muy fuerte España y toda la cultura se vió muy afectada. Además el gobierno subió al 21% el IVA durante los últimos 5 años. En otros países de Europa se apoya mucho más la cultura dando más facilidades.  Ahora lo han reducido al 10% pero todavía sigue en 21% para el cine y la música.

Right now, I think that acting is one of the most difficult professions to have in Spain. It was always a career path where you had to achieve very acceptable standard milestones, and then you could become part of the profession. Then the crisis hit Spain very hard, and the whole scene was very affected. In addition, the government raised VAT to 21% during the last 5 years. In other European countries, the state is much more supportive. Now they have reduced it to 10% but it still continues at 21% for cinema and music.

What are you currently working on?

Acabo de terminar la tercera temporada de “El ministerio del Tiempo” y ahora buscando nuevos proyectos.

I just finished the third season of The Ministry Of Time and am now looking for new projects.

Fanny Gautier as Carmen Folch in Ministerio Del Tiempo. Photo: Tamara Arranz

Who is doing exciting productions in Madrid?  What companies inspire you?

Soy muy poco objetiva en este tema. Llevo años siendo una auténtica fanática de lo que hace Kamikaze Producciones. Para mí es la compañía de Teatro más interesante que hay en España. Todos sus montajes están llenos de talento tanto por parte del director, Miguel del Arco, como de los actores. Son inspiradores, motivadores, el tipo de producciones con las que me siento muy identificada.

I am not very objective on this subject. I’ve been a real fan of Kamikaze Productions for years. For me, it is the most interesting theatre company in Spain. All of the productions are full of talent, as much by the director, Miguel del Arco, as of the actors. They are inspiring, motivating, and the kind of productions with which I identify very much.

 What is a dream project for you?

Trabajar de manera continuada…?jajajaaaa….  Me quedan muchos sueños por cumplir!

Hace muchos años hice un monólogo de Lady Macbeth para una audición. Sólo tenia 20 años asi que imaginate lo lejos que estaba del personage! No solo en edad si no en experiencia en la vida.

Por fin me acerco a la edad de ese tipo de personages y me encantaría . Aunque son personages inmensos y podría estar años investigando antes de ponerlo en pie! Bernarda Alba es otra de las mujeres fuertes del teatro español sería una delicia. Además ya no tengo la edad de ninguna de las hijas..jajajaja!

El teatro está lleno de mujeres fuertes, luchadoras y transgresoras que han transitado por sitios por donde antes sólo pasaban los personages de hombre.

Tambien la comedia es un género que me gusta muchísimo y difícil, en “Smartphones” de E. Williams tuve la oportunidad de trabajar un poco de comedia y lo pasé en grande!

To work continuously…? Hahaha …. I have so many dreams to fulfil!

Many years ago, I did a monologue of Lady Macbeth for an audition. I was only twenty-years-old at the time, so imagine how different the character was from me! Not only in age, but in life experience. Now, as I approach the age of that type of character, I would love the opportunity to play them. Although they are immense characters and it could take years of research before putting one on stage! Bernarda Alba is another strong woman of the Spanish theatre that would be a delight to play. Besides, I’m no longer the age of any of the daughters .. haha! The theatre is now full of strong women, fighters and boundary breakers – where previously the stories were only represented by male characters.

Also, comedy is a genre that I like very much and is quite challenging. In Smartphones of E. Williams, I had the opportunity to work in comedy and I had a great time!

Javier Ruiz de Somavía (Dagoberto), Mónica Regueiro (Chantal), Fanny Gautier (Amelia), Rodrigo Poison (Bernabé), in Smartphones at Teatro Lara. Photo: Teatro Lara Archives

If you had to pick another career, what would it be?

No lo sé. Lo único que tuve siempre claro es que quería ser actriz. No empecé en la profesión de casualidad o porque acompañé a un amiga a un casting, ni nadie me paró por la calle para proponerme hacer una película. Me resulta difícil imaginarme haciendo otra profesión, a pesar de haber tenido que trabajar en otras cosas mi primera opción fue ser actriz.

I do not know. The only thing that has always been clear is that I wanted to be an actress. I did not start in the profession by chance, or because I accompanied a friend to an audition, nor did anyone stop me on the street to ask me to make a movie. I find it difficult to imagine doing another profession. Despite having to work on other things, my first choice was always to be an actress.

 What advice would you give to actors starting out in Madrid?

Que salgan de España que vayan a EEUU que, en principio, es donde hay más trabajo. No es más fácil pero si hay más oportunidades y más trabajo para poder vivir dignamente de actor. Salir fuera de España…..esto no es muy alentador pero creo que es la solución hoy por hoy si se quiere vivir de esta profesión.

Let them leave Spain to go to the United States, where, in principle, there is more work. It is not easier, but there are more opportunities and more work so you can live your life as an actor. Get out of Spain …this might not be very encouraging, but I think it is the answer today if you want to succeed in this profession.

This post was written by the author in their personal capacity.The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of The Theatre Times, their staff or collaborators.

This post was written by Carrie Klewin Lawrence.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.