Sandra Burmeister is a storyteller and theatre maker from Chile. She majored in Theatre Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Chile, and trained at the School of Theatre Patricio Achurra & Eduardo Mujica. She graduated, with honors, in Public Relations at the Pacific University – accredited of Chile. She is a member of the female lab theatrical recovery: ‘Lafem Rete.’
In three words, describe the theatre scene in your city.
‘Surviving in Transantiago.’
If money were no object, what is your dream project?
My dream project is a family home theater. The perfect combination for me is to have a house with a beautiful garden and an area with a rehearsal room. I wish I had a library of books for children, and of course, my place as a writer. Maybe having my own publisher for my books.
What is your greatest challenge as an artist?
My biggest challenge as an artist is to be a complete artist. What I’m saying with this, it is if I have the choice to study and improve myself, then I do. But, I want to grow up with dignity as a child of God. This is to recover the lost human values. This is to bring my talents and abilities in a destination with prosperity. To become me as good theater educator, with wisdom to teach generosity. If other people grow up with me, I also grow up with it. Both humanly and professionally. Patience and perseverance with the independent theater.
What is your first childhood memory of theatre?
My first childhood memory is when I was seven years old. My aunt Margarita on my father’s side (who was a primary school teacher at San Ignacio School) invited me to participate in the play about the creation of the world, and I acted in the role of Eve. I remember, that I had to walk through a garden with paper flowers and met a boy named Adam. It was an exciting moment for me to be on stage and share that time with other children.
When did you know you wanted to pursue this path?
It was when I lived in Modesto, CA. I went to see a musical and it was amazing. Time after, I returned to my country and I could go to drama school in which I began my first steps on this path.
If you weren’t in this profession, what would you be doing?
I probably would be doing something that has to do with education. I feel familiar with communication. This could be written, oral, musical and physical communication.
Who is the person who has most influenced your work?
…With the birth of my son, I was reborn in the theater. That was thirteen years ago. Currently, the person who has most influenced my work is my fiancé, who is a dedicated theater director. He is a demanding teacher and very effective. And on this important point, our personal and professional relationship is based on mutual respect. We work individually and as a couple. He is a person who supports my work, especially in times of crisis or new challenges.
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the business?
I would say that in this business there are ups and downs, and it is relevant to remain focused. It is important to keep the human and family balance, in order, to have short-term goals and long-term goals. By working with love, perseverance, patience, respect, humility, and generosity. The theater is a noble and patient living being. Sometimes, it needs time, development, maturity, and rest. When this happens the person must also rest to renew ideas and energy. And then, without missing a long time, it’s imperative to resume activities with new people or friends.
How do your parents describe what you do to their friends?
Well, it is my mother who has been very close to my creative process. I am very grateful for her patience during these years. She says that I have the gift to move forward in this. What she regrets, it is that the Chilean environment is very hard to grow and settle down. She’s right!
If you were to write your own epitaph, what would you say?
‘Here shine stories, storytelling, theater, and music! Here lies our beloved creative fairy who gave us moments of joy, love and artistic passion. With love for our Sandricuentos.
Ms. Sandra Burmeister majored in Theatre Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Chile. She graduated with honors, in Public Relations at the Pacific University – Accredited of Chile. She graduated from Professional Performance at School of Theatre Patricio Achurra & Eduardo Mujica. She is a member of the female lab theatrical recovery: ‘Lafem Rete.’ She is a teacher of the youth workshop on Chilean, the oral tradition from the vision of the theater, at the Cultural Corporation Balmaceda Arte Joven. She is the rapporteur on reading motivation, though, the storyteller at the Instituto Emprender. She is an instructor of family storytelling workshops in literary coffees at the Municipality of Providencia. In 2013 she participated as narrator (actress) in the international marathons storytelling, such as FILSA 2013 and the Anniversary of the Library of Santiago. She founded the independent theater company ‘Tatrexto. ‘ She founded the first Group of Action Toward Peace in Chile, of Friends of the United Nations, byname ‘ GAP Santiago Art.’ She is the author of dramas: The Fall of Mel and Thal, FLIP. A Brotherhood Without Boundaries. Scenic works and premieres as a playwright: Maria Luisa Pizpireta, Dorothy and Kids and physical theater with the play named PAX. She is a writer of stories for children at Points of Culture in public spaces, under the nickname ‘ Sandricuentos.’
This post was written by the author in their personal capacity.The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of The Theatre Times, their staff or collaborators.
This post was written by The Theatre Times.
The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.