
Adaptation is an international, peer-reviewed journal, offering academic articles, and film and book reviews, including both book-to-screen adaptation, screen-to-book adaptation, popular and ‘classic’ adaptations, theatre and novel screen adaptations, television, animation, soundtracks, production issues, and genres in the literature on screen. Adaptation provides an international forum to theorize and interrogate the phenomenon of literature on screen from both a literary and film studies perspective.


Alt. Theatre: Cultural Diversity and the Stage cultural diversity and the stage is a professional theatre journal published by Teesri Duniya Theatre in Montreal. Our contributors and readers include both established and emerging artists, academics, experts, and professionals in fields related to intersections between politics, cultural plurality, social activism, theatre, and performing arts.


American Theatre Magazine

American Theatre typically publishes two or three features and four to six back-of-the-book articles covering trends and events in all types of theatre, as well as economic and legislative developments affecting the arts. The main focus, however, is on professional, nonprofit theatre. We usually are not interested in academic or community theatre, nor in “how-to” articles. While significant productions are highlighted in our Critic’s Notebook section, American Theatre does not publish reviews.


Antigone Journal

Antigone is a new and open forum for Classics in the twenty-first century. Our articles dust down the Ancient Greeks and Romans and bring them into fresh conversation with modern-day readers of all ages. We are fascinated by and passionate about Greco-Roman antiquity and wish to introduce as many people as possible to its thrills and its spills, its charms and its challenges.


Applied Theatre Research

Applied Theatre Research is the worldwide journal for theatre and drama in non-traditional contexts. It focuses on drama, theatre, and performance with specific audiences or participants in a range of social contexts and locations. Contexts include education, developing countries, business and industry, political debate and social action, with children and young people, and in the past, present or future; locations include theatre which happens in places such as streets, conferences, war zones, refugee camps, prisons, hospitals, and village squares as well as on purpose-built stages. The primary audience consists of practitioners and scholars of drama, theatre, and allied arts, as well as educationists, teachers, social workers, and community leaders with an awareness of the significance of theatre and drama, and an interest in innovative and holistic approaches to theatrical and dramatic production, learning and community development. Contributors include eminent and experienced workers and scholars in the field, but cutting-edge contemporary and experimental work from new or little-known practitioners is also encouraged.


Arab Stages

Arab Stages is devoted to broadening international awareness and understanding of the theatre and performance cultures of the Arab-Islamic world and of its diaspora. The journal does not seek to be exclusive nor to promote any nationalist or religion-based agenda. In strictly geographical and political terms, the journal will be devoted to theatre and performance material from the member states of the League of Arab States, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, but also diasporic literature from around the globe created by former residents of those states or their descendants. Moreover, both the operative adjectives Arab and Islamic should be understood here to demarcate, primarily, a general cultural area of scholarly exploration and negotiation. Investigations of material from the many non-Arab and non-Muslim communities located within the Arab/Muslim world are welcomed by the journal.


Art & Research

Art & Research is an artist-led, internationally peer-assessed open-access e-journal of Research in Fine Art Practice, focused upon questions, contexts, and methodologies of artistic research and practice. Art & Research aims to serve professional artists and academics, curators and critics, artistic researchers, postgraduate and doctoral research students, and undergraduates, and to inform current pedagogical thought in a global context. Art & Research welcomes submissions from artists, researchers, academics, critics and curators which seek to engage with all areas of research in Fine Art practice and/or pedagogy. Submissions may take the form of interviews, analytical or polemical essays as well as audio, visual or text-based artworks which seek to address issues in / or are the outcomes of research in Fine Art practice. We also welcome interdisciplinary articles which address research in Fine Art practice in relation to questions and methodologies in the context of philosophy, politics, law, medicine, science and the humanities.


Asian Theatre Journal

Asian Theatre Journal is dedicated to the performing arts of Asia, focusing on both traditional and modern theatrical forms. It aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge throughout the international theatrical community for the mutual benefit of all interested scholars and artists. It offers descriptive and analytical articles, original plays and play translations, book and audiovisual reviews, and reports of current theatrical activities in Asia.



Asymptote is an exciting new international journal dedicated to literary translation and bringing together in one place the best in contemporary writing. We are interested in encounters between languages and the consequences of these encounters. Though a translation may never fully replicate the original in effect (thus our name, “asymptote”: the dotted line on a graph that a mathematical function may tend towards but never reach), it is in itself an act of creation.


Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice

Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy is an international, peer-reviewed journal exploring the relationship between body and mind and movement in the therapeutic setting. It is the only scholarly journal wholly dedicated to the growing fields of body (somatic) psychotherapy and dance movement therapy. The body is increasingly being recognized as a vehicle for expression, insight, and change. The journal encourages broad and in-depth discussion of issues relating to research activities, theory, clinical practice, professional development, and personal reflections.


Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation

Borrowers and Lenders, winner of the CELJ Best New Journal Award in 2007, is a peer-reviewed, online, multimedia Shakespeare journal ( The journal is indexed in the MLA Bibliography, World Shakespeare Bibliography, and other databases.


Bulletin of the Commediantes

Published semiannually by the Comediantes, an international group of scholars interested in early modern Hispanic theater, the Bulletin welcomes articles and notes in Spanish and English dealing with sixteenth- and seventeenth-century peninsular and colonial Latin American drama. Submissions are refereed by at least two specialists in the field. In order to expedite a decision, contributors should send a copy of the essay and an abstract to the editor by e-mail attachment. They should also submit a hard copy and a CD or diskette to the editor’s address, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Essays should adhere in format to the current MLA Handbook. All rights remain with the author. Contributors are asked to subscribe to the journal. Books for review should be sent directly to the book review editor.


Cambridge Opera Journal

Containing lively and provocative essays, Cambridge Opera Journal has a well-established reputation for publishing first-rate scholarship on opera in all its manifestations. The Journal not only contains material on all aspects of the European canon, it has now widened its scope to publish high-quality essays on American opera and musical theatre, on non-Western music theatres, and on contemporary works. Carefully researched and often illustrated with music examples and pictures, articles adopt a wide spectrum of critical approaches. As well as major articles, each issue generally includes reviews on recent publications of importance in the field.


Canadian Theatre Review

Canadian Theatre Review is the major magazine of record for Canadian theatre. It is committed to excellence in the critical analysis and innovative coverage of current developments in Canadian theatre, to advocating new issues and artists, and to publishing at least one significant new playscript per issue. The editorial board is committed to CTR’s practice of theme issues that present multi-faceted and in-depth examinations of the emerging issues of the day and to expanding the practice of criticism in Canadian theatre and to the development of new voices. This includes an ongoing and active search for writers from historically marginalized and silenced communities. Trends and tangents in Canadian theatre are examined in quarterly thematic issues to initiate and provoke discussion on issues of concern to the theatre community. Both new and established playwrights find a voice in CTR. Each issue includes at least one complete playscript related to the issue theme, insightful articles, and informative reviews. CTR continues to delve into issues of Canadian theatre, providing theatre scholars with a starting point for further study of current developments in the field. Recent themes detailed by the Canadian Theatre Review include Native Theatre, Actor Training, Canadian Women Playwrights, and Scenography.


Careopsis: Journal of Myth and Theatre

A Journal where Ritual, Sacred and Folk Performance Arts and Scholarship meet. Like a bright little wildflower, folk, myth, and ritual theatre grows where it can, blooms brightly and seeds itself for future generations. There is an alliterative reference to Kore, the Maiden of the Eleusinian Mysteries in simply saying the name of this wildflower. By doing so, one may evoke the image of the Court of Beautiful Dances, a place where ritual theatre flourished for many thousand years. Like wildflowers, folk theatre flourishes in unexpected places: street corners, alleyways, open fields and along roadsides. Coreopsis: Journal of Myth & Theatre is published semi-annually by the Society for Ritual Arts.



Designed with passion and meticulous perfection, CHANCE is an elegant, peerless art book about the most compelling, contemporary events in design.14 original editorials and photoshoots. Exquisite book design. Shot in Paris, London, New York, and across America.


CHINOPERL Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature

The focus of CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature is on literature connected to oral performance, broadly defined as any form of verse or prose that has elements of oral transmission, and, whether currently or in the past, performed either formally on stage or informally as a means of everyday communication. Such “literature” includes widely-accepted genres such as novel, short story, drama, and poetry, but may also include proverbs, folksongs, and other traditional forms of linguistic expression.


Choreographic Practices

Choreographic Practices operates from the principle that dance embodies ideas and can be productively enlivened when considered as a mode of critical and creative discourse. The journal provides a platform for sharing choreographic practices, critical inquiry, and debate. Placing an emphasis on processes and practices over products, this journal seeks to engender dynamic relationships between theory and practice, choreographer and scholar, so that these distinctions may be shifted and traversed. Choreographic Practices will encompass a wide range of methodologies and critical perspectives such that interdisciplinary processes in performance can be understood as they intersect with other territories in the arts and beyond (for example, cultural studies, psychology, phenomenology, geography, philosophy, and economics). In this way, the journal will open up the nature and scope of dance practice as research and draw together diverse bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing to illuminate an emerging and vibrant research area.


Comedy Studies Journal

Comedy Studies Journal covers multiple aspects of comedy, with articles about both contemporary and historical comedy, interviews with practicing comedians and writers, reviews, letters, and editorials. The journal seeks to be instrumental in creating an interdisciplinary discourse about the nature and practice of comedy, providing a forum for the disparate voices of comedians, academics, and writers.


Comparative Drama

Comparative Drama is a scholarly journal devoted to studies international in spirit and interdisciplinary in scope; it is published quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) at Western Michigan University. Comparative Drama encourages the submission of studies that are international in spirit and interdisciplinary in scope.


Contemporary Theatre Review

Contemporary Theatre Review analyses what is most passionate and vital in theatre today. It encompasses a wide variety of theatres, from new playwrights and devisors to theatres of movement, image, and other forms of physical expression, from new acting methods to music theatre and multi-media production work. Recognizing the plurality of contemporary performance practices, it encourages contributions on physical theatre, opera, dance, design, and the increasingly blurred boundaries between the physical and the visual arts. The editors aim to publish essays that face the challenge of finding new critical approaches to match artistic innovations and work that transcends established categories. This involves both a focus on productions that invent their own generic forms by juxtaposing different artistic traditions and a consideration of how theatre engages with social and political realities. As such the journal examines trends in contemporary theatre, including the mainstream, and seeks to explore how theatrical vocabularies are shifting to accommodate and reflect the dynamics and/or tensions within the global and local culture.


Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies

The Creative Artist is an annual publication devoted to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of Theatre and Media arts. Reviewers are drawn from the cream of Theatre and Communication/Media experts in the Nigerian University system and are remunerated at the rate of Two Thousand Naira per reviewed paper. Choice of reviewer is guided by theme or subject matter of each specific paper.



The Internet Theater Magazine of Reviews, Features, Annotated Listings. Want to write for CurtainUp? The first and most important qualification is a no-brainer. You must love the theater, know enough about dramas and musicals to offer intelligent appraisals, and like writing. The second must is reliability. When you commit yourself to being available on a regular basis and to be at the theater on time (that doesn’t mean arriving at 8pm for an 8pm show, but at least fifteen minutes before) and being available on a regular basis. Coverage we’re currently interested in: Off and Off-Off-Broadway shows- in New York – especially writers interested in off-beat, new cutting edge work; also Chicago and San Francisco. If you’re interested, please read the writing guidelines below and send an e-mail telling us about yourself, availability and include h some writing samples to Elyse Sommer.


Dance Chronicle

To serious students and lovers of dance, Dance Chronicle is indispensable for keeping up with this rapidly changing field. It covers a wide variety of topics, including dance and music, theater, film, literature, painting, and aesthetics. Offering the best from both established dance historians and the new generation of dance scholars, Dance Chronicle is an ideal source for those who love dance, both past and present. Dance Chronicle has featured unique articles on the Bedaya-Serimpi dances of Java and the dancing choirboys of Seville Cathedral. Other, broader articles have presented studies on Renaissance dance, Baroque dance, romantic ballet, and dancing for Broadway, Hollywood, and television. Individual issues have been devoted to Bournonville, Gautier on Spanish dance, the Camargo Society, and Moscow’s Island of Dance. Coverage also includes comprehensive pieces on Sada Yacco, Cyril W. Beaumont, Andreacutee Howard, Maya Plisetskaya, Merce Cunningham, the Judson Dance Theater, Trisha Brown, and Meredith Monk.


Dance, Movement & Spiritualities

Dance, Movement & Spiritualities is interested in publishing works concerned with the relationship between spirituality, dance and movement, and contributions are invited from across disciplines. Research into spirituality receives comparatively little attention in Western dance practices. In contrast, this journal provides a platform for those practitioners and researchers who are actively and creatively working with spirituality at the centre of their practice/research to disseminate their ideas and findings. The journal is particularly interested in scholarship that explores spirituality and movement from different inter-disciplinary perspectives offering a broad stage for academic discussion and innovation. Recognizing the plurality and diversity of spiritual experience, the journal invites contributions from a vast panorama of the world’s sacred dance traditions to topics such as secular, New Age and postmodern spiritualities. Articles may range from performance praxis and analysis, composition and aesthetics, Dance Movement Psychotherapy, community practice and holistic pedagogies. The journal seeks to embrace diversity of experienced and felt spiritualities and discussion of methodologies suited to discovering more about dance and spirituality are most welcomed, as well as innovative methods for recording, digesting and articulating the experiences of spirituality.


Dance Research Journal

Dance Research Journal (DRJ), published twice yearly, is the official journal of the Congress on Research in Dance (CORD). DRJ carries scholarly articles, book reviews, a list of books and journals received, and reports of scholarly conferences, archives, and other projects of interest to the field. Contributions for publication consideration are open to both members and nonmembers of CORD, and will be accepted at any time.



Didaskalia (διδασκαλία) is the term used since ancient times to describe the work a playwright did to teach his chorus and actors the play. The official records of the dramatic festivals in Athens were the διδασκαλίαι. Didaskalia now furthers the scholarship of the ancient performance. Didaskalia is an English-language, online publication about the performance of Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music. We publish peer-reviewed scholarship on performance and reviews of the professional activity of artists and scholars who work on ancient drama. We welcome submissions on any aspect of the field. If you would like your work to be reviewed, please write to at least three weeks in advance of the performance date. We also seek interviews with practitioners and opinion pieces.


Drama Therapy Review

Drama Therapy Review (DTR) is committed to documenting and disseminating drama therapy research, promoting scholarship about drama therapy theory and practice, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue, and providing a forum for lively debate in the field. DTR profiles and critically reflects upon current and emerging practices involving the intentional and therapeutic uses of drama and performance in clinical, educational, community, organizational, and research contexts.  The primary audience consists of practitioners, educators, and scholars of drama therapy, related arts therapies, mental health professionals, community leaders, policy makers, theater and allied arts practitioners, and cultural workers interested in the health benefits and risks associated with drama and performance. Contributors include eminent theorists, educators, and practitioners in the field but the journal also features innovative work from lesser-known authors.



Dramatics is the monthly magazine (published during the academic year, September through May) for high school theatre students and teachers. Features include new plays, practical articles on acting, directing, design, production, and other facets of theatre, and career-oriented profiles of working theatre professionals. Two annual special issues focus on college theatre programs (December) and summer theatre work and study opportunities (February).


Early Theatre

Early Theatre is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes research in medieval or early modern drama and theatre history, rooted in the records and documents of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. We likewise encourage articles or notes on related materials either in Europe, or in parts of the world where English or European travellers, traders, and colonizers observed performances by other peoples. Although we are primarily interested in the performance history of any art, entertainment, or festive occasion of the period, we also invite submissions of interpretive or literary articles relating to the performances themselves.



Formerly, The Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance, Ecumenica exists to foster rigorous conversation about the intersections between religion/spirituality and theatrical performance. As questions about belief, praxis, and polity become more important in understanding events on the world stage, the fields of theatre and performance studies need venues to explore how the spiritual life affects art and vice versa. Ecumenica publishes two issues per year, in the spring and fall. While many are open topic volumes, we also regularly sponsor special issues on a variety of subjects. We accept submissions on any subject related broadly to spirituality and faith as depicted on stage; religious practices as performance; the role of belief in creating or watching performance; ethics and morality in plays and other performances; the role of culture in creating belief-centered performances and vice versa; the religious/spiritual life of theatre practitioners; historical or contemporary practices–in short, our curiosity is boundless and we are open to a variety of approaches.


Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts (EJOTMAS)

Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts (EJOTMAS) is committed to the promotion of scholarship in all the areas of Drama and Theatre, Media and Communication, Music and Dance, Performance Studies, and other fields in the Arts and Humanities.


e-misférica: Performance and Politics in the Americas

e-misférica is the online journal of the Hemispheric Institute. This biannual publication explores the uses of and interrelations between performance and politics in the Americas and is published in Spanish, Portuguese and English


EJOTMAS: Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts

Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts (EJOTMAS) is committed to the promotion of scholarship in all the areas of Drama and Theatre, Media and Communication, Music and Dance, Performance Studies and other fields in the Arts and Humanities.



Etudes is a new online theatre and performance studies journal for emerging scholars, dedicated to the unique voice of the individual scholar. We invite the submission of scholarly manuscripts, media, performance reviews, creative work, manifestos, etc. covering any range of topics within the theatre and performance studies realm. We highly encourage works of performative writing and academic playfulness. This is a place to try things out, take some risks, and expand the definition of what is considered rigorous publishable material.


European Stages

This journal brings readers lively, authoritative accounts of drama, theatre, and film in  Europe. The journal includes features on important new plays in performance, archival documents, innovative productions, significant revivals, emerging artists, and the latest in film. Outstanding interviews and overviews.


European Theatre Journal

The European Journal of Theatre and Performance (EJTP) is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance (EASTAP). EJTP aims to stimulate a close dialogue between theory and practice, as well as between theatre and performance scholars and artists across Europe and beyond.


FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism

FIELD responds to the remarkable proliferation of new artistic practices devoted to forms of political, social and cultural transformation. Frequently collaborative in nature, this work is being produced by artists and art collectives throughout North, South and Central America, Europe, Africa and Asia. While otherwise quite diverse, it is driven by a common desire to establish new relationships between artistic practice and other fields of knowledge production, from urbanism to environmentalism, from experimental education to participatory design.FIELD is based on the belief that informed analysis of this practice requires the cultivation of new forms of interdisciplinary knowledge, and a willingness to challenge the received wisdom of contemporary art criticism and theory. We seek to open a dialogue among and between artists, activists, historians, curators, and critics, as well as researchers in fields such as philosophy, performance studies, urbanism, ethnography, sociology, political science, and education. To that end the journal’s editorial board will include a diverse range of scholars, artists, historians, curators, activists and researchers. It is our belief that it is only at the intersections of these disciplines that can we develop a deeper understanding of the cultural transformations unfolding around us.


Forum Modernes Theater

(In German) The magazine explores the theater in its cultural, aesthetic and historical manifestations, and stresses all facets of professional discussions, including cultural and media studies approaches to multi-discipline areas. From dance, musical theater, performance and theater history to neighboring disciplines such as literature, art and music studies. Forum Modernes Theater appears 2x per year. The method used peer-review process guarantees a high scientific level.


GPS: Global Performance Studies

GPS: Global Performance Studies is the new peer-reviewed online academic journal sponsored by Performance Studies international (PSi). The idea to start GPS came out of discussions with the PSi board and membership. Our goal is to provide a resource to scholars and artists who are seeking to publish both traditional articles as well cross-platform, multi-media content that pushes the boundaries of what we think an academic journal can be.
We are also interested in finding ways the journal can serve a truly global audience of performance studies scholars and artists.


Goethe Yearbook

The Goethe Yearbook, first published in 1982, is the flagship publication of the Goethe Society and is dedicated to North American Goethe scholarship. The Yearbook aims above all to encourage and publish original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit, while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. The book review section seeks likewise to evaluate a wide selection of recent publications on the period, and should be of interest to all scholars of 18th-century literature.


Ibsen Studies

Published in cooperation with the Centre for Ibsen Studies. Ibsen Studies is the only international journal devoted to Henrik Ibsen, and is therefore a central publication both for Ibsen researchers the world over and for those with a more general interest in the author and his life’s work. Ibsen Studies is a forum for debate and critique for all those who work within the extensive field of research into the work of Henrik Ibsen. The journal is cross-disciplinary in nature, with contributions from literary researchers, historians and those involved in theatre. The journal also includes reviews of current Ibsen-related literature, and a separate section for Ibsen-related events.


Imagined Theatres

Imagined Theatres is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal and archive dedicated to imagining what might be possible and impossible in the theatre. Imagined Theatres publishes scripts, scores, stories, manifestoes, and essays, in prose, in verse, and in other media. These texts are paired with a critical response, or “gloss,” extending the argument or view of each imagined theatre in new directions. Imagined Theatres supports creative criticism, meaning creative work that acts critically and criticism that acts creatively.


Indian Theatre Journal

Indian Theatre Journal is the first international peer-reviewed journal on Indian theatre. It is committed to publishing a wide range of critical and scholarly approaches to various aspects of Indian theatre and performance (dance, music, arts, aesthetics and culture) from social, political, cultural, economical and diasporic contexts.



InTensions is an interdisciplinary journal published biannually by the department of Fine Arts Cultural Studies at the University of York in Toronto, Canada. The journal aims to compile work by scholars and artists whose works deal with the theatricality of power, corporealities of structural violence, and sensory regimes.


inTRAlinea: Online Translation Journal

We welcome academic articles on any subject related to translation or interpreting – from all potential perspectives. We are currently able to consider contributions in English, Italian, French, German and Spanish. Other languages may be considered subject to the availability of trusted peer reviewers.


International Brecht Society Yearbook

Brecht Yearbook, is devoted to the results of scholarly research. The Yearbook was titled Brecht Heute / Brecht Today from 1971-73, then Brecht-Jahrbuch from 1974-80, and thereafter The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch with individual volume titles. The fact that it was published in Germany and (mostly) in German during its first 10 years gave rise to criticism and complaint among IBS members who were either not academics or not proficient in German, especially from non-German theater practitioners. When Suhrkamp Verlag in Frankfurt am Main cancelled the publication contract in 1979, John Fuegi shifted the production to Wayne State University Press under a new editorial board and with a commitment to publish in German and English as well as Spanish and French. During the 1980s the widespread interest in Brecht’s writings that had launched the IBS was diminishing, and despite a generational shift in leadership this affected the numerical strength of the society and the frequency of its publications. The Yearbook no longer appeared annually, so that libraries and institutional subscribers began to cancel. When the publisher demanded a very large publication subsidy in 1987, the IBS shifted to independent desktop publishing with vol. 14 (1989), and since then the Brecht Yearbook has once again continued to appear annually, distributed by the University of Wisconsin Press.


International Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media

The journal is a forum to energise, innovative and inspire creative thinking and practice surrounding the combination of digital technologies with the performance arts (theatre, dance, music, live art). Disciplines may be domain-specific or in convergence.


Journal for Artistic Research

The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines. JAR invites the ever-increasing number of artistic researchers to develop what for the sciences and humanities are standard academic publication procedures. It serves as a meeting point of diverse practices and methodologies in a field that has become a worldwide movement with many local activities.


Journal for Stage Directors and Choreographers

Published quarterly, SDC Journal is distributed to SDC Members nationwide and is available to industry constituents, theatre education programs, and the theatre-going public at large. SDC Journal’s mission is to give voice to an empowered collective of Directors and Choreographers working in all jurisdictions and venues across the country, encourage advocacy, and highlight artistic achievement.


Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance

Adaptation, or the conversion of oral, historical or fictional narratives into stage drama has been common practice for centuries. In our own time the processes of cross-generic transformation continue to be extremely important in theatre as well as in the film and other media industries. Adaptation and the related areas of translation and intertextuality continue to have a central place in our culture with a profound resonance across our civilisation.


Journal of American Drama and Theatre

Founded in 1989 and previously edited by Professors Vera Mowry Roberts, Jane Bowers, and David Savran, this widely acclaimed journal is now edited by Professors Naomi J. Stubbs and James F. Wilson. JADT publishes thoughtful and innovative work by leading scholars on theatre, drama, and performance in the U.S. – past and present. Provocative articles provide valuable insight and information on the heritage of American theatre, as well as its continuing contribution to world literature and the performing arts.


Journal of Contemporary Drama in English

The Journal of Contemporary Drama in English focuses on issues in contemporary Anglophone dramatic literature and theatre performance. It renegotiates the understanding of contemporary aesthetics of drama and theatre by treating dramatic texts of the last fifty years. The peer-reviewed journal publishes essays that engage in close readings of plays and also touch upon historical, political, formal, theoretical and methodological aspects of contemporary drama, theatre and performance. JCDE appears twice a year: volume one is a special issue based on the annual international conferences held by the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English, volume two invites individual essays on contemporary theatre and drama in English. The journal also contains a review section.


Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices

This peer-reviewed journal focuses on the relationship between dance and somatic practices, and the influence of this body of practice on the wider performing arts. The journal will be aimed at scholars and artists, providing a space for practitioners and theorists to debate the work, to consider the impact and influence of the work on performance, and examine the interventions that somatic practices can have on other disciplines and the implications for research and teaching.


Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism

The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism (JDTC) was founded in 1986 at the University of Kansas by John Gronbeck-Tedesco and Paul Newell Campbell. The Journal publishes full-length articles that contribute to the varied conversations in dramatic theory and criticism, explore the relationship between theory and theatre practice, and/or examine recent scholarship by a single author. The Journal publishes full-length articles of roughly 20-25 pages (exclusive of endnotes) that either contribute to the varied conversations in dramatic theory and criticism, explore the relationship between theory and theatre practice, or examine a corpus of recent scholarship by a single author.


Journal of Religion and Theatre

The Journal of Religion and Theatre is a peer-reviewed online journal. The journal aims to provide descriptive and analytical articles examining the spirituality of world cultures in all disciplines of the theatre, performance studies in sacred rituals of all cultures, themes of transcendence in text, on stage, in theatre history, the analysis of dramatic literature, and other topics relating to the relationship between religion and theatre. The journal also aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge throughout the theatrical community concerning the relationship between theatre and religion and as an academic research resource for the benefit of all interested scholars and artists.


Journal of Theatre and Drama

Published annually by the University of Haifa in English, Contributions on all topics related to Theatre and drama are welcome. JTD was initiated by our late colleague Chaim Shoham, who sadly died of heart attack while working on the first issue. He meant it to be a major organ devoted exclusively to Jewish Theatre and Drama (hence the acronym JTD): “its agenda,” he wrote in his programmatic preface to the first issue, “is designed to cover a great variety of themes and issues concerning the history, aesthetics and poetics of Jewish theatre and drama, a field arousing growing interest, but to which no regular organ of academic research has been exclusively devoted so far… JTD will raise various issues… from the cultural aspects of a national stage to the international deployment of Jewish theatrical activity.”


Journal of Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy

Journal of Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy aims to publish high-quality original articles of researchers, academicians, writers and post graduate students, and contribute to the knowledge in the field. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access, scientific journal published twice a year in June and December.


Journal of the Irish Theatre Forum

The University College of Dublin’s Publication, the Carysfort Press aims to produce high quality publications which, though written and/or edited by academics, will be made accessible to a general readership. The organization would also like to provide a forum for critical thinking in the Arts in Ireland, again keeping the needs and interests of the general public in view. The company publishes contemporary writing for and about the theatre, and about other performing arts.


Latin American Theatre Review

Latin American Theatre Review (LATR) is published twice per year by KU’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center of Latin American Studies. Founded in 1967, LATR covers all aspects of Latina/o and Latin American theatre and performance and has grown to be one of the premiere scholarly journals in its field. This electronic edition provides free access to the back issues of the journal, which includes over 1,000 scholarly articles, news items, theater schedules and book and performance reviews. The most recent five years are available via print subscription only.


Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies

Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies publishes aesthetic texts and scholarship that explores, advances, challenges, and celebrates the study of performance as a social, political, philosophical, and aesthetic practice; as a methodology; and as a mode of critique. We welcome the submission of manuscripts addressing performance, the performative, and performativity; performance scripts and aesthetic texts for performance; reviews and criticism of performance work; reflections on pedagogy and performance; and book reviews. We will consider any form of performance work, and encourage both traditional work and that which challenges the boundaries of performance. We welcome a wide range of performance perspectives, practices, methodologies, contexts, and sites. In addition to texts and images, we will publish work in audio, video, and flash formats. We currently publish three issues per year (March, August, November).


Ludus: Medieval and Early Renaissance Theatre and Drama

Ludus intends to introduce those interested in literature, in the performing arts, or in history to the various aspects of theatre and drama from the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance. It publishes books on closely defined topics, mostly seen from a comparative point of view.



Maska – The Performing Arts Journal is Europe’s oldest professional journal in its field. For the last two decades Maska has fostered a high-level professional discourse in a range of subjects such as performance studies and theories of contemporary dance in connection with the broader field of contemporary arts, multimedia practices, social theory and philosophy. Since 2001, Maska has been bilingual (contributions are published in Slovenian and English), which has made it accessible to an international audience, where it has acquired relevance. Subscribers to the journal include the libraries of performance studies departments of European and American universities, this has resulted in joint projects, for example a special issue of the magazine published in cooperation with the prominent magazine Performance Research (Routledge).


Masks: The On-line Journal of Law and Theatre

Masks: the online journal of law and theatre is a new multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal based at the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law. The journal’s focus is on the intersections of law and theatre. Diverse scholarship exists on some of these intersections, including: courtroom as theatre; historical connections between theatre and the Inns of Court; lawyer playwrights; images of lawyers in popular culture; law in literature studies of plays; and legislative theatre. Masks seeks to bring together continuing scholarship in these areas and to provide a forum for discussions of new areas of research.


The Mercurian – A Theatrical Translation Review

The Mercurian publishes translations of plays and performance pieces from any language into English. The Mercurian also welcomes theoretical pieces about theatrical translation; rants, manifestos, and position papers pertaining to translation for the theatre; as well as production histories of theatrical translations. Submissions should be sent to: Adam Versenyi at or by snail mail: Adam Versenyi, Department of Dramatic Art, CB# 3230, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3230. For translations of plays or performance pieces, unless the material is in the public domain, please send proof of permission to translate from the playwright or original creator of the piece. Since one of the primary objects of The Mercurian is to move translated pieces into production, no translations of plays or performance pieces will be published unless the translator can certify that he/she has had an opportunity to hear the translation performed in either a reading or another production-oriented venue.


Modern Drama

The journal features refereed articles written from a variety of geo-political points of view which enhance our understanding, both formal and historical, of the dramatic literature of the past two centuries; there is also an extensive book review section. Guidelines: Please submit articles by diskette plus three hard copies, or by email attachment. Neither diskette nor hard copies will be returned. Submitted articles should not normally exceed 9000 words, should include all appropriate documentation, and should conform to _The MLA Handbook_, 5th Edition. Submissions, including Notes and Works Cited, should be double spaced. Submissions considered for publication will be blind vetted by two readers in the field; please include your name on a top sheet only.


New Theatre Quarterly

New Theatre Quarterly provides a vital international forum where theatrical scholarship and practice can meet and where prevailing dramatic assumptions can be subjected to vigorous critical questioning. It shows that theatre history has a contemporary relevance, that theatre studies need a methodology and that theatre criticism needs a language. The journal publishes news, analysis and debate within the field of theatre studies.


New Zealand Journal of Research in Performance Arts and Education: Nga Mahi a Rehia

This journal aims to support the publication and development of New Zealand research on drama, music and dance in education and to contribute a NZ perspective to international dialogues in the discipline of performance studies.


Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists

The journal publishes themed articles from SONTA Annual International Conference, which usually applies itself to current issues of national or international importance but approached from the varied areas of theatre scholarship and practice. Technically, the hard copies of NTJ are made available at SONTA conferences. This is because it is owned and sponsored by the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists (SONTA). There is virtually no subscription in print because the Association underwrites its production and shares copies among its members at annual international conferences. There are no author charges for author submissions. Articles are drawn from SONTA international conferences and published annually. NTJ is freely available online. However, SONTA members pay their annual dues and conference fees annually and such members could be considered as NTJ subscribers in addition to any other interested institutions or persons.


Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film

Nineteenth Century Theatre & Film regularly publishes essays, documents, bibliographies and filmographies, book reviews, and review essays. The policy of the journal construes the term theatre comprehensively to include the various arts of performance which emerged over the long period from the Age of Revolution to the advent of sound motion pictures. Film is understood to include ‘pre-cinema’ optical and narrative forms, ‘silent’ motion pictures, and illusions. This journal considers narrative or variety entertainments from all countries and regions. Its scope embraces not only drama but dance, opera, music hall, circus, fairground entertainment, and other forms which implicate live audiences (actual, potential, or imaginary). The journal’s emphasis on the value of primary materials is reflected in the publication of documents in photographic or critical facsimile and in annotated critical edition, carrying out the policy of contributing directly to the research needs of the working scholar.


Nordic Theatre Studies

Nordic Theatre Studies is the only English-language peer-reviewed journal for scholars writing on all aspects of Nordic and Baltic theatre and performance, and for Nordic and Baltic scholars to present their research to the world. The journal is published biannually.


OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts 

OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts is an annual publication devoted to publishing articles relevant to the development of the humanities. Essays in any of the regular disciplines of the humanities: language, linguistics, communication arts, history, theatre arts or performing arts, history and diplomatic studies or international relations, philosophy, religious studies, film, etc., are normally peer-reviewed before publication. Book reviews and commentaries pertinent to humanistic studies are also considered for publication.


PAJ – Performing Arts Journal

PAJ offers extended coverage of the visual arts (such as video, installations, photography, and multimedia performance), in addition to reviews of new works in theatre, dance, film, and opera. Issues include artists’ writings, essays, interviews and dialogues, historical documentation, performance texts and plays, reports on performance abroad, and book reviews. Guidelines: All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. All notes and quotations must be double-spaced.


PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research

PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research is a new e-journal published by the University of Colorado Boulder. It serves as an extension and re-imagination of the journal On-Stage Studies, previously published from 1979 to 2001 by the Department of Theatre and Dance in coordination with the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. Our intent is to take the previous model dedicated to performance that takes part “on-stage” and widen the idea of what a stage is. Taking cues from performance studies theory, we believe the stage is all around us and therefore performance has a multitude of avenues from which to emerge. PARtake operates as a double-blind, peer-reviewed, online journal with its first themed edition scheduled for release in Summer 2016. Due to its unique digital format, the journal will also promote the publication of performance reviews on a rolling basis.


Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies

The purpose of Participations has always been, and continues to be, to provide a focal point – a coming-together-place – for all kinds of work under the general and generously understood heading of “audience and reception studies”. The Journal aims to include and embrace work across all fields of media and culture, from a wide range of theoretical and methodological bases, giving space to a full range of questions and debates.


Performing Ethos: An International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance

Performing Ethos is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal which considers ethical questions relating to contemporary theatre and live performance. Global in scope, it provides a unique forum for rigorous scholarship and serious reflection on the ethical dimensions of a wide range of performance practices from the politically and aesthetically radical to the mainstream.


Performing Islam

Emerging from an international network project funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economics and Social Research Council, and research collaboration between the editors, Performing Islam is the first peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal about Islam and performance and their related aesthetics. It focuses on socio-cultural as well as historical and political contexts of artistic practices in the Muslim world. The journal covers dance, ritual, theatre, performing arts, visual arts and cultures, and popular entertainment in Islam influenced societies and their diasporas. It promotes insightful research of performative expressions of Islam by performers and publics, and encompasses theoretical debates, empirical studies, postgraduate research, interviews with performers, research notes and queries, and reviews of books, events and performances.



Perfformio is based at the Centre for Performance and Literature, Swansea Metropolitan University. The journal publishes papers by academics and practitioners of the performing arts and allied disciplines twice annually.


Performance Matters

Performance Matters is a peer-reviewed (double blind), open-access electronic journal published bi-annually by Simon Fraser University. Most of our issues are organized around specific topics and themes, though we also consider unsolicited individual submissions. We are especially interested in work that focuses on the materiality and the consequentiality of performance: the objects that comprise it, the labour that goes into it, the physical sites that give shape to it, as well as the effects it has—what, in short, performance does, and why that is meaningful. We encourage investigation of these questions from a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives, and across a range of formats: scholarly articles; photo and video essays; book and performance reviews; manifestos and policy statements; interviews and critical dialogues; ethnographic transcriptions; and performance scripts. Scholars, artists, curators, and activists whose practice focuses on the broad spectrum of performance are invited to make further editorial and submission enquiries.


Performance Paradigm

Performance Paradigm is an interdisciplinary, refereed journal that reflects contemporary performance research across a range of cultures and contexts primarily in Asia and Australia. Guidelines: All manuscripts submitted to Performance Paradigm should be original and not be under consideration for another publication. Authors license publication in Performance Paradigm in print and electronic form. In general, follow these procedures: Send as email attachment as a ‘rich text format’ (RTF) file. Include in the email message a statement of which system and program has been used. Send email to or with the subject line SUBMISSION Performance Paradigm. (Please notify in advance of sending large files).


Performance Philosophy

Performance Philosophy is an emerging interdisciplinary field of thought, creative practice and scholarship. As an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, Performance Philosophy publishes articles that interrogate what this field might be and what might be possible within it.


Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts

Performance Research is a specialist journal that promotes a dynamic interchange between scholarship and practice in an expanding field of performance. Interdisciplinary in vision and international in scope, its emphasis is on research in contemporary performance arts within changing cultures. Performance Research is published in English and welcomes submissions in other languages. The Editors encourage work that challenges boundaries between disciplines and media. Each issue contains articles, documents, interviews, reviews as well as illustrations and original artworks.


Platform / Postgraduate E-Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts

Postgraduate e-Journal of Theatre & Performing Arts Platform is an electronic journal devoted to postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers, and entry-level academics in the fields of theatre and performing arts. Platform is run by postgraduates for postgraduates, and is based at the Department of Drama, Royal Holloway, University of London. We invite submissions for the second issue of Platform. The pivotal theme is “Theatres of Resistance.” Given the wide-ranging and confrontational nature of the topic, we welcome papers that explore a variety of issues


Polish Theatre Journal

Polish Theatre Journal (PTJ) is an on-line English-language research magazine examining contemporary Polish theatre and performance, which is published twice a year by the Theatre Institute in Warsaw. We therefore intend to promote wider subjects, not only studies on certain artists or theatre-related phenomena – that is, on ideas that are strongly present in contemporary Poland and at the same time lie at the core of international debates.


Polish Theatre Perspectives Journal

Despite substantial international interest and a number of excellent publications abroad, widely accessible source materials about Polish theatre and performance remain relatively limited. Polish Theatre Perspectives (PTP) aims to address this situation by providing unprecedented access to both new and archival Polish materials in English translation, and by facilitating sustained cross-cultural dialogue between Polish and international researchers, practitioners, and students. The PTP project is comprised of a new, peer-reviewed journal and research forum hosted by the Grotowski Institute in Wrocław and run by an international team based both in Poland and abroad.


Popular Entertainment Studies

An interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the investigation of all aspects of popular entertainments.



Prompt, a journal of theatre theory, practice, and teaching, aims to connect theatre practice to theatre scholarship—through pedagogy. Founded in 2020 by colleagues at The Pennsylvania State University School of Theatre, the goal of each issue is to teach something in the field of theatre and performance studies using a humble technology; accompanying short essays reflect on an idea that sparks a scholar’s interest. Prompt is a generative space where theatre artists, educators, and scholars converge to exchange ideas that prompt new thoughts and practices.


Puppetry International

Puppetry International gives you insights into the fascinating world of puppetry arts. From the hottest new shows and emerging artists to the traditions held most dear, Puppetry International draws you into the community with up-to-date news and inspirational articles. Our coverage is a broad spectrum of puppetry where you can always get the information you want from the experts. Use it to stay in the know.


Renaissance Drama Journal

Renaissance Drama explores the rich variety of theatrical and performance traditions and practices in early modern Europe and intersecting cultures. The sole scholarly journal devoted to the full expanse of Renaissance theatre and performance, the journal publishes articles that extend the scope of our understanding of early modern playing, theatre history, and dramatic texts and interpretation, encouraging innovative theoretical and methodological approaches to these traditions, examining familiar works, and revisiting well-known texts from fresh perspectives. Renaissance Drama welcomes articles on the full range of early modern linguistic and theatrical traditions, the discourses and institutions shaped by performance, and manifestations of performance and performativity both on and beyond the stage. Occasionally, issues of the journal may be devoted to special topics of particular interest.


Research in Drama Education

Research in Drama Education is a refereed journal aimed at those who are interested in applying performance practices to cultural engagement, educational innovation and social change. It provides an international forum for research into drama and theatre conducted in community, educational, developmental and therapeutic contexts. The journal offers a dissemination of completed research and research in progress, and through its Viewpoints section it encourages debate between researchers both on its published articles and on other matters. Contributions are drawn from a range of people involved in drama and theatre from around the world. It aims to bring the fruits of the best researchers to an international readership and to further debates in the rich and diverse field of educational drama and applied theatre.


Research in Dance Education

Research in Dance Education aims to inform, stimulate and promote the development of research in dance education and is relevant to both learners and teachers. The research field of Research in Dance Education includes but is not limited to: teaching and learning in dance, theory and practice; new technology; dance and physical education; dance therapy; community dance and youth dance.


Research Opportunities in Medieval and Renaissance Drama

Welcome to the online home of ROMARD. We are a journal concerned with keeping the research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama current and compelling. Our journal headquarters have recently moved from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A., to Western University in London, Ontario, Canada, but we remain closely affiliated with the Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society.


Review – Journal of Dramaturgy

Review is the journal of dramaturgy published twice yearly (Fall and Spring) by Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas. The mission of the journal is to provide a venue for the exploration of dramaturgy and for an ongoing conversation about the work of the dramaturg and the literary manager and their relationship to all stages of theatre-making. Review publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles along with work in other formats, including essays, manifestoes, book reviews, photo essays, texts of plays (in whole or in part), and interviews. Review welcomes submissions by all writers regardless of professional affiliation, as well as submissions on topics at some remove from the primary mission. Inquiries to the editor are encouraged in advance of all submissions.


RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance

RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance is a refereed journal aimed at those who are interested in applying performance practices to cultural engagement, educational innovation and social change. It provides an international forum for research into drama and theatre conducted in the community, educational, developmental and therapeutic contexts. The journal offers a dissemination of completed research and research in progress, and through its Points and Practices section it encourages debate between researchers both on its articles and on other matters. Contributions are drawn from a range of people involved in drama and theatre from around the world. It aims to bring the fruits of the best researchers to an international readership and to further debates in the rich and diverse field of educational drama and applied theatre.


Restoration and Eighteenth Century Theatre Research

Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research is a peer-reviewed, academic journal published under the auspices of the department of English at Valdosta State University. The journal features scholarship on late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British and European drama and staging. Issues contain articles, theatre reviews, book reviews, and occasional interviews.



SCENARIO is a bilingual (English – German), fully peer-reviewed on-line journal. The journal’s main focus is on the role of drama and theatre in the teaching and learning of foreign / second languages, including the literatures and cultures associated with these languages. It is aimed at scholars, teachers, theatre professionals and drama- and theatre-in-education specialists. The journal has a distinctly interdisciplinary orientation, encouraging contributions from different research disciplines and fields of practice.The editors intend to stimulate the subject debate revolving around the use of drama and theatre in foreign language teaching and learning by making interested colleagues aware of new publications, upcoming events and hot links and by publishing books which will be based mainly on selected contributions to SCENARIO.



Scene is dedicated to a critical examination of space and scenic production. The journal provides an opportunity for dynamic debate, reflection and criticism. With a strong interdisciplinary focus, we welcome articles, interviews, visual essays, reports from conferences and festivals. We want to explore new critical frameworks for the scholarship of creating a scene.


Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Association

Shakespeare is a major peer-reviewed journal, publishing articles drawn from the best of current international scholarship on the most recent developments in Shakespearean criticism. Its principal aim is to bridge the gap between the disciplines of Shakespeare in Performance Studies and Shakespeare in English Literature and Language. The journal builds on the existing aim of the British Shakespeare Association, to exploit the synergies between academics and performers of Shakespeare.


Shakespeare Magazine

Shakespeare Magazine aims to be links teachers, performers, scholars, technology wizards, and enthusiasts to each other and to the world of Shakespeare.


The Shakespeare Standard

Shakespeare is a broad field comprised of multiple, and more often than we’d like, disparate, communities — scholarship, performance, education, media, pop culture, and modern language to name a few. The mission of The Shakespeare Standard is to foster and celebrate these communities online, and to drive the conversation among these communities and their members, believing that this conversation will constitute a modern living playhouse, where ideas, images, discussion, debates, current events, arts, and individuals forge a new and emerging community comprised of the disparate parts. Guidelines: At The Shakespeare Standard, we thrive on news, photos, videos, and reviews submitted from the community of Shakespeare companies, scholars, artists, and fans. You can submit your stories directly to The Standard simply by using the form below or by emailing We’ll publish your story as soon as one of our editors has had a chance to review it.


Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society

Challenging the boundaries of knowledge concerning women’s and men’s lives in diverse regions of the globe, Signs publishes scholarship that raises new questions and develops innovative approaches to our understanding of the past and present. We welcome discipline-based and interdisciplinary research that illuminates processes of racialization, sexualization, and gendering that operate through interpersonal dynamics and familial relations; national and international institutions; laws and policies; organizational norms; practices of production and consumption; divisions of labor; patterns of skilling and deskilling; distributions of political rights and economic opportunities; regulation of domesticity, mobility, and migration; regimes of visibility and invisibility; mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion; verbal and visual representations; ideological formations; and cultural production. Whether critical, theoretical, or empirical, articles published in Signs generate theories, concepts, analytical categories, and methodological innovations that enable new ways of thinking, new ways of seeing, and new ways of living.


Skenè. Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies

Founded in 2014, Skenè.JTDS wishes to inspire and host, in a new academic site, a vivacious debate on issues, questions and specifics of drama and theatre texts from the antiquity to the present. Areas of special interest are the forms, modes and genres of play texts, and the impact of dramaturgy and performance on their codification. The journal intends to stimulate a discussion on critical approaches to the play text and the performance text within an interdisciplinary context. Philological, linguistic, rhetorical, semiotic, and translation studies, as well as literary and philosophical hermeneutics, reception studies, sociology of theatre, and performance studies will all contribute to a lively confrontation between different perspectives and critical views. The journal promotes the interaction between international scholars of various humanistic areas, furthering a dialogue between renowned and younger researchers.


South African Theatre Journal

South African Theatre Journal provides a leading forum for the academic discussion of issues relating to theatre, performance and the media, notably as these manifest themselves in Southern Africa and further afield on the African continent.


Stanislavsky Studies

Stanislavsky Studies focuses on Stanislavski’s work as an actor, director and teacher, and more broadly on his influence and legacy which can be seen in the work of many of the twentieth-century’s most influential theatre-makers.


Studia Dramatica

Since it was first issued in 2006, the journal evolved from a national to an international reach, pursuing a constant and significant expansion. Thus, it created a network of practitioners and researchers from prestigious European and American universities which enables its members to share and disseminate the results of their personal or collective research concerning current subjects and international themes. The decision to divide past numbers of the publication according to thematic criteria imposed itself so as to enhance scientific rigour and to highlight a number of subjects and fields of study that animate the interest of researchers and thespians in current times. The aim of the journal is to encourage original research in the field of the performing arts through assembling thematic numbers that are well connected to the international flux of research in the humanities.


Studies in Costume & Performance

Studies in Costume & Performance aims to encourage, generate and disseminate critical discourse on costume and the relationship between costume and performance. It considers costume as a symbiotic articulation of the body of the performer which is visual, material, temporal and performative. Whether performed live, seen through the camera lens or found in an archive, costume embodies and reflects the performance itself. The journal will bring together experts in costume, scenography, performance, fashion and curation as well as critically engaged practitioners and designers to reflect and debate costume in performance, its reception in production, exhibition and in academic critical discourse. Submission will include visual essays.


Studies in Musical Theatre

Studies in Musical Theatre is a refereed journal which considers areas of live performance that use vocal and instrumental music in conjunction with theatrical performance as a principal part of their expressive language.


Studies in Theatre & Performance

Studies in Theatre and Performance is a peer-reviewed journal which fosters a progressive forum to explore the nuances of theatre practice. The journal provides a critical scope to include other related disciplines in its scrutiny of the stage, exploring the interplay between performance, audience and dramatic practice.


TDR – Drama Review

TDR is about performance in any of its many aspects: theatre, dance, music, film, video, rituals, play, sports, performance in everyday life. We publish accounts of particular performances, theoretical articles that draw on many different kinds of performances, articles on the works of individual artists, performance and book criticism, ethnographic accounts, polemics, and manifestos. We are actively intercultural, interdisciplinary, and progressive; we favor writing about experimental performances, performances with political or social relevance, and performances from various parts of the world. We are not interested in drama as such-the analysis of play texts with no reference to their actual life in performance.


Teaching Theatre Journal

Teaching Theatre is EdTA’s quarterly journal for professional theatre educators. A typical issue includes an article on acting, directing, playwriting, or technical theatre; a profile of an outstanding educational theatre program; a piece on curriculum design, assessment, or teaching methodology; and reports on current trends or issues in the field, such as funding, standards, or certification.


Text and Performance Quarterly

Publishes scholarship that explores and advances the study of performance as a social, communicative practice; as a technology of representation and expression; and as a hermeneutic. Articles address performance and the performative from a wide range of perspectives and methodologies, and they investigate all sites of performance from the classical stage to popular culture to the practices of everyday life. TPQ also features a ‘Performance in Review’ section that provides a scholarly forum to document performances and to situate and critique them within enduring and emergent issues in performance studies praxis. Projects about artists working outside the academy are featured, however, work is also encouraged from or about academic scholar-artists who use performance as a method of inquiry.


The Journal of Global Theatre History (GTHJ)

The Journal of Global Theatre History (GTHJ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal focusing on recent research in theatre history devoted to exploring the historical dimensions of theatre, opera, dance, and popular entertainment from global, transnational and transcultural perspectives. It places a particular emphasis on the institutional dimensions of the performing arts.


The Theatre Annual: A Journal of Performance Studies

The Theatre Annual: A Journal of Performance Studies is the oldest theatre periodical continuously published in America. Founded in 1942 by the Theatre Library Association, Theatre Annual is now published in the fall of each year by The College of William and Mary in Virginia. Theatre Annual publishes articles on the history and ethnography of performance, drawing from such areas as theatre studies, performance studies, popular culture, music, anthropology, communication, dance, philosophy, folklore, history, and the special areas of interest that cross disciplinary lines.


Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes (TPNC)

Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes (TPNC) is the first and only journal in the broadly-conceived field of theatre studies to publish short-to-medium length research articles on any subject, as well as publish discussion and response articles. As such, TPNC is an ambitious journal that provides the field with a uniquely-responsive and organic forum, encouraging and yielding more immediate and direct scholarly exchanges. Placing a premium on clarity, readability, and rigor of thought, TPNC seeks articles that despite their brevity are significant and have wide appeal and applicability in the field. Finally, TPNC welcomes interdisciplinary articles that reach across and/or beyond the field(s) of drama, theatre, and performance studies.


Theatre Arts Journal: Studies in Scenography and Performance

Theatre Arts Journal: Studies in Scenography and Performance (TAJ), a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal dedicated to the investigation of current issues in scenography in performing arts.


Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes

Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes is the first and only journal in the broadly-conceived field of theatre studies to publish short-to-medium length research articles on any subject, as well as publish discussion and response articles. As such, TPNC is an ambitious journal that provides the field with a uniquely-responsive and organic forum, encouraging and yielding more immediate and direct scholarly exchanges. Placing a premium on clarity, readability, and rigor of thought, TPNC seeks articles that despite their brevity are significant and have wide appeal and applicability in the field. Finally, TPNC welcomes interdisciplinary articles that reach across and/or beyond the field(s) of drama, theatre, and performance studies.


Theatre, Dance and Performance Training

Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (TDPT) is a brand new, twice-yearly, peer-reviewed journal that acts as a research forum for practitioners, academics, creative artists, and pedagogues interested in training in all its complexity. The journal is dedicated to revealing the vital and diverse process of training and its relationship to performance making both past and present, a diversity reflected in the journal’s international scope and interdisciplinary form and focus. TDPT acts as an outlet for documenting and analyzing primary materials relating to regimes of performer training as well as encouraging discursive contributions in a range of critical and creative formats. The journal provides a valuable meeting point for practitioner-researchers wanting to know more about training before, beneath, beyond, and within performance.


Theatre and Performance Design

Theatre and Performance Design publishes innovative artistic practice alongside theoretical research to critically evaluate the effect of scenography on the aesthetics and politics of performance.


Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes

Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes is the first and only journal in the broadly-conceived field of theatre studies to publish short-to-medium length research articles on any subject, as well as publish discussion and response articles. As such, TPNC is an ambitious journal that provides the field with a uniquely-responsive and organic forum, encouraging and yielding more immediate and direct scholarly exchanges. Placing a premium on clarity, readability, and rigor of thought, TPNC seeks articles that despite their brevity are significant and have wide appeal and applicability in the field. Finally, TPNC welcomes interdisciplinary articles that reach across and/or beyond the field(s) of drama, theatre, and performance studies.

Theatre Forum

TheatreForum, a journal devoted to innovative performance, welcomes new contributors. Our scope and readership is international; we welcome articles discussing new theatre and performance from any culture. Our articles usually focus on the recent work of one performer, director/choreographer, or company, but more wide-ranging overviews of recent developments are also accepted. Articles usually range from 3000 to 5000 words, and we pay 5 cents per word to a maximum of $150. A section of our journal is also available for shorter items.


Theatre History Studies

Official journal of the Mid-America Theatre Conference. Devoted to research and excellence in all areas of theatre history. The official journal of the Mid-American Theatre Conference and published by the University of Alabama Press. Since 1981, Theatre History Studies has provided critical, analytical, and descriptive articles on all aspects of theatre history. The journal is devoted to disseminating the highest quality scholarly endeavors in order to promote understanding and discovery of world theatre history.


Theatre Journal

The primary aim of TJ is to provide an outlet for scholarship and criticism in the theatre arts. We welcome articles of varying subject matter and approaches.


Theater Magazine

We focus primarily, but not exclusively, on experimental theater—American and international—and theater that touches on political and cultural debates. We discourage submissions of academic papers, dissertations, and theses. Submitted articles should not exceed twenty double-spaced manuscript pages.


Theatre Research in Canada

Explores theatre in Canada from theoretical and/or historical perspectives, and reviews books dealing with all aspects of Canadian theatre / Les Recherches théâtrales au Canada publient des articles qui explorent les dimensions théoriques et/ou historiques du théâtre au Canada. De plus, on peut aussi y trouver des comptes-rendus de livres traitant de tous aspects du théâtre Canadien.


Theatre Research International

Theatre Research International publishes articles on theatre practices in their social, cultural, and historical contexts, their relationship to other media of representation, and to other fields of inquiry. The journal seeks to reflect the evolving diversity of critical idioms prevalent in the scholarship of differing world contexts.


Theatre Survey: The Journal of the American Society for Theatre Research

Theatre Survey is chartered by the American Society for Theatre Research as a theatre history journal. Its theatrical and historical orientations are broadly conceived. Performance-centered and historiographic studies from all points across the historical, cultural, and methodological spectra are welcome. Dramatic literature studies not substantively related to actual performances are outside the journal’s purview.


Theatre Topics

Description: The first theatre publication devoted to issues of concern to practitioners, Theatre Topics focuses on performance studies, dramaturgy, and theatre pedagogy. Concise and timely articles on a broad array of practical, performance-oriented subjects, with special attention to topics of current interest to the profession, keep readers informed of the latest developments on the stage and in the classroom.



Theatron, a semi-annual theatre journal published out of Washington University, accepts submissions from graduate students (master’s and doctoral levels). Scholarly papers on the subjects of dramatic literature, criticism, theory, or performance. Submissions may be written in English, any Romance Language, or German. New ten-minute plays or new translations of plays. Production reviews, reviews of new plays or books on the subject of drama. Interviews with theatre professionals.Guidelines: Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting articles or other materials for consideration to be published. Authors sending materials that do not meet these requirements will be asked to resubmit their materials following these guidelines.


Total Theatre Magazine

Total Theatre Magazine is a quarterly print publication dedicated to contemporary theatre and live performances of all sorts. The magazine appeals to a readership that includes artists and theatre-makers, producers, presenters, and that vital element – audiences! We resist too narrow a definition of ‘total theatre’ but within our pages, you are likely to encounter: physical & devised theatre, visual performance, live art, street arts, circus, mime, mask, new writing, cabaret & burlesque, dance-theatre, and puppet-theatre – to name but a few of the many performing arts disciplines and hybrid forms that are current within contemporary theatre and live performance practice. If it’s live, we are interested! Total Theatre Magazine aims for an informed and intelligent voice, written in a journalistic rather than academic style. Total Theatre Magazine represents a wide spectrum of contemporary theatre and live performance, covering both well-known and lesser-known artists and companies; performances and events presented both within and outside of conventional theatre and art spaces; work of various scales, from solo performance to large-scale ensemble or spectacle; work that could be local, regional, national or international.



With this publication, the editors present the new international peer-reviewed journal translation, which from January 2012 will be published twice a year. The journal—a collaborative initiative of the Nida School of Translation Studies and prominent translation scholars from around the world—takes as its main mission the collection and representation of the ways in which translation as a fundamental element of culture transforms our contemporary world. Our ambition is to create a new forum for the discussion of translation, offering an open space for debate and reflection on what we call post-translation studies, moving beyond disciplinary boundaries towards wider transdisciplinary discourses on the translational nature of societies that are increasingly hybrid, diasporic, border-crossing, intercultural, multilingual, and global. This publication suggests new routes for rethinking translation. Prominent scholars, representing different disciplines and areas of interest, have accepted our invitation to support our project and joined the translation’s advisory board. We thank and acknowledge them by letting their words represent our initial steps. These texts, either written explicitly for this journal or taken from previously published writings, reflect suggestions, directions, and even programs for the journal’s future issues.


Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature

Description: Publishing articles, notes, archival research, and reviews, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature seeks path-breaking literary, historicist, and theoretical work by both established and emerging scholars. The journal’s unique focus developed from one of Germaine Greer’s primary concerns in founding it – “the rehabilitation of women’s literary history.”


UpStage: A Journal of Turn-of-the-Century Theatre

Description: UpStage: A Journal of Turn-of-the-Century Theatre, is a peer-reviewed, open-source online publication. We are accepting submissions year-round. The journal is dedicated to research in turn-of-the-century dramatic literature, theatre, and theatrical culture, Submission topics may include, for example, the work of Shaw, Harley Granville-Barker, Ibsen, Chekhov, Strindberg, Meyerhold, Gerhart Hauptmann, Alexandre Dumas, and their international contemporaries. We would also like to receive articles on actors, theatre managers, and theatre-makers of the period.


Voice and Speech Review

Voice and Speech Review is the only scholarly journal that exclusively publishes work about voice and speech training for stage, film, TV, and radio and features writing about cutting-edge theory and practice in the many aspects of voice and speech work.


Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory

Description: Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory is a peer-reviewed, triannual publication featuring scholarly essays on performance, dance, film, new media, and the performance of everyday life from interdisciplinary feminist perspectives. We encourage dialogue between varied fields of performance scholarship (performance studies; theater, dance, and music history and criticism; ethnography; cinema and cultural studies; queer and post-colonial theory), and explore critiques of race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, technology, and nation.


Women’s Studies Journal

Description: The New Zealand Women’s Studies Journal is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal established by the Women’s Studies Association. The Journal has a primary, but not exclusive focus on women’s studies in New Zealand and the Pacific. It contains articles from a wide range of feminist positions and disciplinary backgrounds. The Editorial Collective encourages papers that address women’s experiences, explore gender as a category of analysis, and further feminist theory and debate.


Youth Theatre Journal

Description: Publication of the American Alliance for Theatre & Education. Youth Theatre Journal is a refereed journal that draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers, philosophers, educators, and performance theorists. The journal focuses on the dissemination of ideas relating to practical and theoretical developments in the field of theatre and performance by, with, and for children and youth and drama/theatre education.


The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle has more than 70 writers, editors, and international correspondents. Online, The Chronicle is published every weekday and is the top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academe. The Chronicle’s Web site features the complete contents of the latest issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; an archive of previously published content; vibrant discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, salary databases, and more. In print, The Chronicle is published in two sections: Section A, which contains news and jobs, and The Chronicle Review, a magazine of arts and ideas. Subscribers also receive the annual Almanac of Higher Education and special reports on diversity, the academic workplace, online learning, and other topics. The Chronicle newspaper is available in print and digital formats.


The Dramaturgy Protocol

The Dramaturgy Protocol, an annual, peer-reviewed publication, will examine the intersection of dramaturgical theory and practice, providing a place for the work of early-career dramaturgs, literary managers, emerging scholars, and graduate students, as well as spotlighting work from established theatre professionals. The journal invites both traditional scholarly articles and work that reflects on and demonstrates the dramaturgical process in practice.


The Journal of Beckett Studies

The Journal of Beckett Studies has been the journal of record for the established and expanding field of Beckett studies for nearly forty years. It has always been blind peer-reviewed and is recognized internationally as a scholarly journal of a high standard. The Journal of Beckett Studies was founded by Beckett’s biographer James Knowlson and well-known Beckett critic John Pilling in 1976. Two issues per year were published until the journal went into abeyance in 1984. Stanley Gontarski, a prominent critic who also knew and worked with Beckett, founded the second series in 1992 and remained sole editor from then until 2008. Late in 2007 a new editorial, under the guidance of Anthony Uhlmann, came together with a view to renewing the journal, consolidating and further building its profile, and moving it into the age of print/electronic publishing.


The Mercurian – A Theatrical Translation Review

The Mercurian publishes translations of plays and performance pieces from any language into English. The Mercurian also welcomes theoretical pieces about theatrical translation; rants, manifestos, and position papers pertaining to translation for the theatre; as well as production histories of theatrical translations. Submissions should be sent to: Adam Versenyi at or by snail mail: Adam Versenyi, Department of Dramatic Art, CB# 3230, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3230. For translations of plays or performance pieces, unless the material is in the public domain, please send proof of permission to translate from the playwright or original creator of the piece. Since one of the primary objects of The Mercurian is to move translated pieces into production, no translations of plays or performance pieces will be published unless the translator can certify that he/she has had an opportunity to hear the translation performed in either a reading or another production-oriented venue.


The Shakespeare Bulletin

Shakespeare Bulletin, a peer-reviewed journal of performance criticism and scholarship, provides commentary on Shakespeare and Renaissance drama through feature articles, theatre and film reviews, and book reviews. Begun in 1982 as the organ of the New York Shakespeare Society, which became the Columbia University Seminar, the journal formerly appeared bimonthly; since 1990 it has been appearing as a quarterly. In 1992, it incorporated Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, which began publication in 1976. Shakespeare Bulletin’s theatre coverage serves as a record of production in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and throughout the world. Articles appearing in Shakespeare Bulletin are indexed in The World Shakespeare Bibliography and the MLA Bibliography. This journal is a member of the Conference of Editors of Learned Journals.


The Shakespeare Standard

Shakespeare is a broad field comprised of multiple, and more often than we’d like, disparate, communities — scholarship, performance, education, media, pop culture, and modern language to name a few. The mission of The Shakespeare Standard is to foster and celebrate these communities online, and to drive the conversation among these communities and their members, believing that this conversation will constitute a modern living playhouse, where ideas, images, discussion, debates, current events, arts, and individuals forge a new and emerging community comprised of the disparate parts. Guidelines: At The Shakespeare Standard, we thrive on news, photos, videos, and reviews submitted from the community of Shakespeare companies, scholars, artists, and fans. You can submit your stories directly to The Standard simply by using the form below or by emailing We’ll publish your story as soon as one of our editors has had a chance to review it.


The Theatre Annual: A Journal of Performance Studies

The Theatre Annual: A Journal of Performance Studies is the oldest theatre periodical continuously published in America. Founded in 1942 by the Theatre Library Association, Theatre Annual is now published in the fall of each year by The College of William and Mary in Virginia. Theatre Annual publishes articles on the history and ethnography of performance, drawing from such areas as theatre studies, performance studies, popular culture, music, anthropology, communication, dance, philosophy, folklore, history, and the special areas of interest that cross disciplinary lines.


The Theatre Times is a non-partisan, global portal for theatre news. With a team of Regional Managing Editors around the world, we aim to be the largest theatre news source online. In addition to our original content, The Theatre Times filters through more than eighty sources, around six hundred articles, and thousands of pages of theatre news every day. Combining premium content with ease of use, The Theatre Times provides a high-performance experience that readers can trust. Curating a steady stream of the top theatre information, The Theatre Times is a leading destination for theatre audiences and professionals worldwide.


This post was written by Magda Romanska.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.