First staged in 2015, “Xuárez,” written by Luis Barrales and directed by Manuela Infante, is set in 1541, a few months after the founding of Santiago – now Chile’s capital city. “Xuárez” revisits the nation’s colonial past through the tale of Inés de Suárez – here removed from the romantic prism in which she is all too often presented. Suárez, a Spanish conquistadora, played a key role in halting Mapuche advancement on Santiago when Michimalonco, a Mapuche leader, sent troops in to rescue a group of cacique (native chief) prisoners held by the Spanish. A way of understanding some of the faultlines and dynamics that underpin contemporary Chile, “Xuárez” is a complex, richly rewarding piece that revisits a problematic past in ways that illustrate the complex intersections of race, gender, and class in nation-building. Myth, history, and fiction intersect in intricate ways in an acclaimed work – winner of the 2015 best play and best director awards of the Chilean Critics Circle— beautifully performed by Claudia Celedón and Patricia Rivadeneira.
Cast: Claudia Celedón and Patricia Rivadeneira/ Original idea and playwriting: Luis Barrales and Manuela Infante / Playwright: Luis Barrales / Director: Manuela Infante / Stage Design, Lighting and Costumes: Yolín / Music: Atom TM / Composition for the chorus: Daniel Marabolí / Caciques: Flavio Banks, Sebastián Caro, Lucas Gnecco, Gabriel Recabarren, Lucas Salazar Stage/ DesignConstruction: Iteazul, Taller El Litre and Armería Lobos / Graphic Design: Javier Pañella / Executive Production: Patricia Rivadeneira / General Production and Press: Francisca Babul. / This project was financed by Fondart – Contest 2015 Seals from: GAM, the National Council for Culture and the Arts, Chilean Government, Professional Institute ARCOS, Oxiluz Lightning and Perrera Arte. Xuárez is presented in association with Escenix.